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Sky Is Elven

Forged in the fires of Ground Is Lava, Sky is Elven is a collective of artists, performers, academics, and engineers who bring large-scale art installations and immersive experiences to Firefly. We are dark and decadent elves, who invite you to climb our treetop platforms that will keep you safe from lava and then descend into the opulent pleasures of our elven Cuddledome, where you will find beautiful butterflies, delirious dragonflies, lovely luna moths, and of course, many exquisitely cuddly elves!

In true elven style, expect decadence, lava,elven alien abductions, and a whole lot of crazy fun. Events for Firefly 2017 include: Virgin Sacrifices, Brass Monkeys, The Great Elven Alien Abduction Experiment, and Mimosas in the Morning.

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