Mush. The Mush Room. The mushroom. All are The Mush Room! All Fireflies are invited to come get yer daily mush every "morning" (on burner time), chill by our fire pit (just look for the big ring of toad stools), and sing a song to the Amanita Musicalia, our big glowy mushroom tucked away in the woods. So mush, so mush room, for you at The Mush Room!

Between Pancakes and Lamps exists a carnivorous, campfire lit crossroads. Each year we morph closer to our final form, but the name is always meaty. Who knows what you may find there: Queer tea? Axe throwing and saké tasting? Goth night and wine dispensing babies? A drag film festival? Our DJs attract dancing, sarcasm, pre-gaming, and bears. Drop by and warm yourself by the fire we tend.