(tl;dr: Please provide your feedback, particularly on candidates, via https://forms.gle/ikfjnua86eDWiWaC7 by Sunday, January 5!) Dear…
Art Cart Applications Due 6/25/24
This year, Firefly is introducing a new cluster: the Department of Mutant Vehicles! This cluster is specifically responsible for motorized vehicles at the event which are operated as art pieces. If you intend to bring an art cart to Firefly this year, even if you think DMV knows about it, please submit a Firefly 2024 Art Car Application by 6/25/24 to be permitted to run it at the event. Motorized vehicles with a functional role need not apply – only those whose role at the event is purely decoration and fun.
Contact DMV Cluster Lead Gwen W at dmv@fireflyartscollective.org with any questions, comments or concerns.