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Help make next year's Firefly even better: take the Official 2024 Firefly Survey by Wednesday, July 17! Take the Survey

The Essentials (Quick Guide)

Most of these Firefly essentials are based on our Culture and 10 Principles. You can also find important information about helping out at the event and getting ready for Firefly in the Firefly Survival Guide. For the most current information regarding ticket registration, ticket sales, fire art registration, theme camp placement registration, etc., sign up for Announce emails and the newsletter.


Everyone pitches in to make Firefly happen. There are lots of ways to get involved before, during, and after the event. Check out our Participate and Volunteer Cores pages.


Your I.D. is your ticket and all tickets are will call. Before you’re able to purchase a ticket, you must create a Firefly account first. When announced, you must then register (using your account) to be added to a lottery. Those who win a slot in the lottery get an email with a link to purchase a ticket. No event tickets are sold on site. Car parking passes go on sale when event tickets go on sale. More info on the Tickets page.

Cars and Parking

There is limited parking at Firefly. Each car will be charged for a parking pass to encourage carpooling. Your car might ultimately be parked away from the site, so you might need to drop off gear at drop-off zones closer to the gate, then park further away. You will need to get your gear up the hill on your own. Parking passes go on sale when event tickets go on sale. Parking passes are also sold on-site (cash only) but at a higher price than if purchased online. Learn more about carpooling and parking passes on the Getting There page.

Event Entry

When arriving, cars are to follow signs to the Gate. There, all passengers’ photo IDs will be matched with the ticket list and wrist bands handed out. “No photography” wristbands are also available upon request. All arrivals, car or bus, are expected to stop by the Greeter Station for an introduction and important info. There are gear drop-off locations at the gate (no cars allowed up camping trails). Learn more about what to expect regarding event arrival on the Getting There page.

Fire and Fire Art

All participants must follow the Firefly Fire Policies. All Fire Art must be registered and inspected. No new fire pits are allowed. All established and above-ground fire pits must be attended, when lit, at all times. Only burn wood from local forest. No burning trash, plastic, pressure-treated wood, or cardboard. More about Fire Pits, Fire Art, Fire Performance, and cooking are found in the Survival Guide.


All events organized by Firefly Arts Collective are run within a Code of Conduct and there are Standards of Behavior that each participant is expected to follow. There are also Photography Guidelines. To learn about our Conduct Committee, how it investigates incidents, repercussions for ignoring the Code of Conduct, or to report an incident, see our Conduct Committee Policies page.

Event Exodus

The event ends at noon on the last day (Monday). Follow the GTFO and LNT volunteers’ instructions for a smooth exodus. There are no trash cans. Take your trash and offer to take event trash. Make time to do a sweep of your campsite and areas you frequented before you leave. Before you leave, visit the Lost and Found if you have something that is not yours or if you lost something. More on Exodus and Lost and Found in the Survival Guide.

Leave No Trace

There are no trash cans at Firefly. Everything you bring in to the event you bring back with you. Pack your own trash bags and carry around “moop bags” during the event. (Moop is matter-out-of-place — anything that didn’t come from the forest). Read our Packing suggestions to help you prepare and learn more about Leave No Trace (LNT) in the Survival Guide.

Personal Safety

Firefly happens in Central Vermont during mid-summer. Weather fluctuates between cold, wet, and muddy to sunny, hot, and humid. There are steep trails full of roots, you’re camping with ticks, and using unlit porta-potties. Pack food and water, head lamps with extra batteries, clean socks, proper footwear, warm bedding, tarps to keep you dry, and any sunscreen, bug spray, and medication needed for the week. See more suggestions on our Packing page.

Bus Service

Bus service and gear transport is available from the Boston area. Your bus ticket includes water and your gear will be brought up the hill to a designated drop-off zone. Bus passengers will be allowed to bring three large suitcases plus a day bag. Learn more about bus perks, schedules, and bus tickets on the Getting There page.

Site and Infrastructure

Camp only in designated areas and try to arrive during the daytime if you need to find a campsite. Do not set up camp in ribboned-off areas, in the field, or on paths. We supply porta-potties as well as other resources. The Kitchen Cafe offers coffee, tea, hot water, and dishpans (NO cold water, cups, utensils, or trash cans supplied). Bring your own cups, etc., and LNT. Learn more about where to camp, important resources, and more of the site’s Infrastructure in the Survival Guide.

Sound and Electricity

You provide your own electricity and generators must follow the Fire Policy. Gear Storage for musicians is not provided. Expect decibel limits on certain days/hours. There are designated Loud Camp areas and Quite Camp areas and are outlined on the Map. The field is a quiet space from midnight to 10am. More info on Sound and Electricity in the Survival Guide.

Prohibited Stuff

You will be turned away at the gate if you bring: fireworks, firearms, wood from other forests, handheld lasers, or animals. Do NOT bring tiki torches, candles, feathers, sequins, confetti, moopy art, moopy clothes, and moopy decorations. There is no vending, no sleeping in your car, no trash dumping, no food waste dumping, and NO pooping in the woods or urinating near/in the stream. Respect the No Nudity designated areas. For more info on ADA certified animals and the No Nudity designated areas read the Survival Guide.


Firefly is based on a gift economy. There is no re-entry for shopping and you cannot buy or sell anything at the event. Make sure you have enough food, water, and appropriate clothes for the duration. Ice is available when volunteers and donors make it happen. Learn about Decommodification on our Ten Principles page and check out the packing recommendations and more in our Survival Guide.

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