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Goal of a Conduct Committee Investigation

Our goal is to gather enough information to be able to make a fair and reasonable recommendation whether to allow someone continued access to events or volunteer infrastructure.

Our responsibilities are to:

  • Document each incident report
  • Determine whether a report is actionable
  • Develop enough of an understanding of the situation that a recommendation can be made to the Board, if needed

The goal is NOT to determine guilt or innocence.

Again, the goal is to gather enough information to be able to make a fair and reasonable recommendation whether to allow someone continued access to events or volunteer infrastructure.

While the Conduct Committee may choose not to recommend action based won a single report, multiple reports about an individual constituting a pattern of misconduct can result in a recommendation of action. We do not label people as criminals or determine whether reports are true beyond reasonable doubt.



Investigators work with reporters to discover how to engage in interviews and evidence searches in ways that protect the reporter’s anonymity. Recognizing that confidentiality is often sacrosanct to those who report, investigators sign a confidentiality agreement and hold this trust as one of its highest guiding principles. The Conduct Committee works to maintain the anonymity of the reporter according to the reporters needs and desires. Of course, reporters can choose not to be anonymous or to speak about their experiences publicly; Conduct Committee will ask what details they are comfortable having disclosed.

Recommendations for Action

Recommendations for action from the Conduct Committee are shared with event decision-makers including the Board of Directors, along with a summary report from the investigation which provides background to the Committee’s recommendation, but which does not contain identifying details or names of reporters.


The Conduct Committee tries to hear multiple perspectives about some complex situations, and our volunteers often have busy schedules just like the witnesses and others they talk to. It can take several months to have a sufficient number of conversations to provide an understanding of the situation behind some reports. If you are interacting with the Conduct Committee (as a reporter, subject of a report, or witness), you can help keep our process moving by responding to emails from investigators in a timely fashion, and are welcome to check in with investigators yourself about report status.

Typical Step-by-Step Procedure

  1. When the Firefly Incident Report Form is submitted, Conduct Committee leads are automatically notified of the report.
  2. Conduct Committee leads contact the reporter to verify the content and suggest two investigators, then assign those investigators after confirming these are acceptable to reporter.
  3. Investigators review what has been reported and contact reporter to gather further information. Investigators explain possible next steps and possible outcomes to reporter.
    • If the reporter does not want the Investigators to interview the reportee (the person the report is about) the case will be archived, and no recommendation will be made to the Board regarding this report. Should the Conduct Committee receive other reports about the same person the reporter in this case may be contacted as a witness.
  4. If proceeding to follow up the report, investigators will then talk with witnesses and the subject of the report.
  5. Investigators may also consult with character witnesses such as other event hosts, and follow up any leads of similar behaviors to establish if there is a larger pattern.
  6. Investigators bring the results of their investigation back to the Conduct Committee for consensus on a recommendation.
  7. The Conduct Committee recommends action(s) to the Board such as:
    • Provide an official warning.
    • Bar a participant from volunteering in particular capacities or in any capacity.
    • Ban from Firefly events for either one year or indefinitely.
    • Archive the information and recommend no action.
  8. Upon receiving a recommendation, the Board may:
    • Accept the recommendation.
    • Request further detail or additional investigation.
    • Pursue a different course of action.
  9. Board representatives contact the reportee with an official notice.
  10. The Conduct Committee contacts the reporter to notify them of the Board’s action.
  11. The Board determines whether to announce the decision to the Firefly community or other events.
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