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As a non-profit arts organization that relies on the goodwill of the community, the Firefly Arts Collective strives to be open and transparent in its activities. By documenting the business side of the organization and making those documents available to the community, we acknowledge the important role that everyone plays in our growth and success.

Post-Event Surveys

Community Meetings

Accessibility Town Hall January 16, 2025

Conduct Committee Open House March 1, 2015:

Afterburn Reports

2013 Afterburn Report

In May 2014, the Firefly Arts Collective released a detailed Afterburn report for the 2013 Event.

Read the 2013 Afterburn Report (on Google Drive) A PDF version of the 2013 Afterburn Report

2012 Afterburn Report

In 2012, the Firefly Arts Collective released a detailed Afterburn report for the 2012 event, documenting the logistics of the annual Firefly event.  It is the most complete picture to date of how the organization works, and what it really takes to organize a weekend camping trip with several hundred creative eccentrics.  The report covers a wide range of information – ticketing, art grants, finances, legal issues, insurance, lessons learned, and future plans.

Read the 2012 Afterburn Report

Minutes of the Board of Directors

In accordance with section 3.E.iv.3 of our Bylaws, we strive to be transparent in the activities of our Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors facilitates community-wide collaboration, provides administration of the legal entity under which Firefly Arts Collective operates, and makes decisions pertaining to the safety, legality, and financial feasibility of FAC activities and events. The Board of Directors tries to meet at least once a month.

Included here are recorded minutes for recent meetings of the FAC Board:

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