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Fire Art

You must register your fire art before bringing it to Firefly.

You are required to contact Fire Core BEFORE THE EVENT if you will burn your art or use flame in your work. All fire art must be inspected and approved by a Fire Core lead before it can be activated. Do not hesitate to ask a member of Fire Core if you need a place for your work or performance.

This team, which includes artists, fire safety volunteers, and people with professional experience, will assist you in the safe execution of Open Fire or Flame Effects in your art installation or theme camp.

  • FLAME EFFECT is defined as “The combustion of solids, liquids, or gasses to produce thermal, physical, visual, or audible phenomena before an audience”. This includes all flames that are automated, switched, pressurized or having any other action than simply being lit on fire. It also includes projects using propane or other liquid or gaseous fuels.
  • BURNABLE ART refers to art that has been created with the intention of being burnt, and has been prepared to be set aflame in a single burn event.
  • OPEN FLAME is defined as non-pressurized flame, including setting fire to an art installation, large burn barrels, braziers, torches, large assemblies of candles and other simple uses of fire. This also includes the pre-approved fire pits at the event.
  • PYROTECHNICS refers to the art, craft, and science of fireworks, which includes any explosives or projectiles. Fireworks and pyrotechnics are NOT permitted at the event. This includes smoke bombs/grenades and handheld sparklers.

Firefly Flame Effects Regulations

The following Firefly Flame Effects Regulations are set for the safe operation of Flame Effects at Firefly.

  • All Fire Art at Firefly must be inspected and certified by a member of the Fire Art Safety Team (FAST) on-site before use.
  • During inspection, artists must demonstrate appropriate understanding of how their fire art works, emergency shutdown procedures, and knowledge of safe operation according to Firefly guidelines and NFPA 160.
  • Fire Art must be attended at all times by a sober operator.
  • FAST or Rangers may, at any time, require an operator to shut down their installation pending review/re-evaluation by a FAST supervisor.
  • Artists who operate flame effects without approval, while not sober, or leave flame effects unattended may be disallowed from running fire art for the rest of the event and/or at future events.

Fire Performance

Fire performance or fire spinning involves equipment or other objects made with one or more wicks which are dipped in fuel and spun by people in designated areas at the event.

Fire spinning is allowed only in pre-approved areas. These are determined during work weekends, before the event starts. Every performer needs their own safety (an additional person standing by with a fire blanket). Please make sure you are familiar with standard fire spinning safety rules (fueling up, spinning off, safetying, etc.). If you are not sure about anything, please ask one of the Fire Leads or attend one of the two fire spinning safety meetings during the event.

Fire Spinning Circle Rules

  • Fire performing or fire spinning must occur in designated areas that are approved before the event begins. Please reach out to one of the Fire Core leads before the event if you are interested in establishing a new fire spinning circle.
  • Fire spinning circles must be clearly delineated/marked. The perimeter should be shown clearly with things like lights or logs. No fire spinning may occur outside of them. The fuel dump area must be properly marked off in a similar way to the fire spinning circle.
  • There should be a minimum of 15 feet vertical clearance above the circle.
  • Each spinning area must use the double bucket system for fuel dumps: a 5-gallon bucket with a covered can inside which houses the fuel. It should be kept at least 30 feet away from any performers spinning fire in the circle.
  • All props must have excess fuel removed before being lit to avoid flying flaming liquid during a performance. You must use a bucket to spin off into, or use plastic gloves and bags to squeeze the wick off. Spilled fuel is moop!
  • Performance areas should be raked and cleared of leaves and debris, including any tripping hazards.
  • Safeties with duvetynes (safety blankets) are required for fire spinning! If you are breathing/eating fire or spinning a unique prop, your safety must know proper procedures. Safeties are required to keep two hands on their duvetyne throughout the performance, and keep active watch on their spinner.
  • Please bring your own fuel and duvetynes. Firefly will not provide fuel at the event. If you plan on using another type of fuel, please contact the Fire Core. Store fuel away from ignition sources (including generators), and tents or other structures.
  • If you do not have your own poi, hoops, staffs, etc., you might be able to borrow them from a friendly Firefly. Please be considerate with other people’s equipment.
  • Please be aware that Firefly takes place in a forest and any fire performance equipment that is on fire should never remain on the ground for long periods of time, since this could cause a ground fire. Please remove excess fuel from your fire spinning equipment correctly before lighting them on fire. And please ensure your safety is watching.
  • Never wear synthetic clothing in any fire circle. This includes polyester, nylon, wigs, etc. If it can melt, then don’t wear it. Fabric blends of 90% natural fibers or higher are acceptable.
  • If you are too intoxicated to spin safely, you will be removed from a fire circle. Fire Core leads and camps operating fire circles may remove spinners at their discretion.
  • Always inspect your props before before the festival and before performing. Before spinning, trim any fraying wicks on your prop(s) and check the tightness of any screws or fasteners.
  • Always check in with the theme camp operating a circle to find out how many fire spinners are approved to spin at the same time. Each spinner must have their own safety.

Fire Conclave

Anyone wishing to perform in the Fire Conclave prior to the burning of the Bug (Friday night) must check in with a Fire Core Lead by attending one of two fire safety meetings during the event.

There will be two brief Fire Safety meetings on separate afternoons during the event. Both meetings are held at the fire spinning circle at the Love & Lions Den Camp. Please check the Firefly Facebook Group or reach out to for official dates and times.

Fire Pits & Campfires

Please do not dig your own firepit or make your own campfire without prior authorization from the Fire Core leads and landowner. Share warmth and company at the community firepits and at theme camps. You are welcome to use camp stoves for cooking in your camping area, but ground fires are not permitted in the camping areas except in the established fire pits. All fire pits are the responsibility of a particular camp. If your camp has stewardship of an in-ground pit, please make it available for use by all responsible Fireflies.

For all the camps with approved fire pits, please follow these guidelines to keep Firefly and the land safe:

  • Burn only wood found on the ground or purchased from Central Vermont. No plastic, cardboard, paper, cigarette butts, plywood, pressure-treated wood, or anything else.
  • Fires need to be in a fire pit, surrounded by rocks and free of roots (root fires will put a damper on the event).
  • Clear brush, leaves, and pine needles at least 5 feet away from the fire pit so sparks have nothing to jump to.
  • Each fire pit must have at least 2 gallons of water and either a shovel or bucket of dirt handy at all times.
  • When there is a fire, at least one sober person needs to be supervising it.
  • If you see any unattended fire, please extinguish it or flag down a friendly Ranger to help.
  • All fires must be out and cold by noon on the last day of the event.
  • Portable fire pits are allowed as long as they follow the above rules and are elevated off the ground so as to avoid a burn scar.
  • Tiki torches and other torch-style open fire devices are not allowed at the event.

Fire Core may implement additional restrictions depending on current local conditions.


Please use common sense with generators at Firefly so that we do not pollute the soil or water. Spills and leaking gas are hazardous to both the forest and participants. Gas fires are also very dangerous and can be difficult to put out, creating a high risk of forest fire. If you have any questions, please find a Fire Core volunteer or a Ranger.

Please observe the following guidelines at the very minimum:

  • All gas for generators must be stored more than 10 feet from the generator, 50 feet from a fire pit, and 50 feet from a fire spinning area.
  • No generators should be placed in sleeping tents or inside sealed containers.
  • If you have spilled gas onto the ground, please contact Fire Core immediately.
  • Do not leave generators running unnecessarily. If your art or camp does not need the power generated, please turn it off.
  • Do not turn off a generator that is not yours unless it’s an emergency.
  • Make a 5-foot space around your generators that is clear of leaves and small sticks.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher in plain sight within 15 feet of your generator.
  • Tightly-coiled extension cords with heavy loads can catch fire; you shouldn’t coil them next to your gas cans or generator.

Extension cord gauges, load, and distance (Suggested)

Cord Length Amps Wire Gauge
25′ 10 18
25′ 13 16
25′ 15 14
50′ 5 18
50′ 10 16
50′ 15 14
75′ 5 18
75′ 10 16
75′ 15 14
100′ 5 16
100′ 15 12


Contact the Fire Core at

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