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Report an Incident to the Conduct Committee

Members of the Firefly community may receive a formal warning letter or a formal ban letter from the Firefly Arts Collective Board of Directors. Individuals may be banned from attending some or all Firefly events, or barred from volunteering in some or all roles with Firefly Arts Collective.

The Board of Directors may issue an official warning or ban if a prospective participant:

  • Has a pattern of violating the Code of Conduct or Festival policies, endangering the event or its participants’ safety.
  • Has any single well-substantiated report of a serious violation of Festival policies.
  • Continues engaging in harmful behavior after receiving a Warning from the Board of Directors about such behavior.

The Board may also choose to issue a ban for reasons not covered in this policy.

Current list of indefinitely banned individuals

Informing banned individuals of their status

  • The Board of Directors will send an official letter notifying the recipient of a ban specifying terms and duration.
  • If a person who has never attended any Firefly events is banned, they will be informed of the ban if they register for, purchase a ticket to, or attempt to attend a Firefly event.

When are people unbanned?

  • Bans are instituted for one year or indefinitely, as specified in the notification letter.
  • One-year bans end automatically at the end of the calendar year as specified in the notification letter; there will be no notification letter to signify the end of a ban.
  • The Board of Directors can choose to renew a one-year ban, which will result in a new notification letter.
  • Individuals can appeal to have their ban lifted.
    • Appeal the ban directly to the Board:
    • Appeals will be handled at an upcoming scheduled Board meeting.
    • Only one appeal request per individual will be heard per year.

Appeals process

  • Banned individuals can appeal their ban directly with the Board.
  • Appeals will be handled at the next scheduled Board meeting.
  • Only one appeal request per individual will be heard per year.

Publishing bans

In cases where the Conduct Committee feels publishing a ban would benefit the Firefly community or other communities, it will recommend to the Board of Directors that such an announcement be made.

The Board will determine if and how to make any announcement. In the future a policy may be developed that specifically outlines this process.

Inquiries about banned individuals

Unless a ban has been published by the Board, Firefly does not provide information about whether a participant has been banned. However, any registered event attendee may inquire if any particular individual has registered or been ticketed for that event. Email such inquiries to

Barring people from positions of responsibility

Firefly reserves the right to prevent someone from volunteering in particular capacities or any capacity.

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