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Help make next year's Firefly even better: take the Official 2024 Firefly Survey by Wednesday, July 17! Take the Survey

Firefly Arts Collective uses a variety of technology platforms to support its artistic and cultural activities, each of which has been developed or deployed over the past decade. In order to provide a consistent oversight of technology decisions and software development, we have created a Technology Committee. This committee supports the rest of the organization in its technology requirements.


The Technology Committee selects, develops, maintains and supports the technology infrastructure necessary for Firefly Arts Collective to operate. This infrastructure includes, but is not limited to, email aliases, mailing lists, mailing archives, web server infrastructure, software development and software support furthering the organization’s goals.

The responsibilities of the Technology Committee include:

  • Identifying technology infrastructure choices appropriate for the organization.
  • Maintaining or purchasing, as appropriate, external solutions.
  • Developing software in support of the organization’s goals.
  • Establishing standards for software development and project management.
  • Ensuring technology solutions are available and reliable when needed by the organization.
  • Supporting external users (such as other burns) of Firefly technology solutions.
  • Preparing a yearly summary report of activities.





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