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Help make next year's Firefly even better: take the Official 2024 Firefly Survey by Wednesday, July 17! Take the Survey

Accessibility Transportation

Accessibility Transportation  If you have trouble getting around and are worrying about how to get your things up the hill, Accessibility would like to help you out! More information can be found here Please Note:  Accessibility Transport is intended only…

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Kids Camp at Firefly

Bringing kids to Firefly and want to coordinate? There are community resources for parents and guardians of children at the event, and an accessible and quiet Kids Camp area near lower parking. Whether or not you would like to camp…

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Heat Health PSA

Dr. Feelgood here sending out a friendly PSA: IT'S HOT!   That means we need everyone to take some precautions so you don’t succumb to the heat. First of all use common sense, try to avoid heavy work in the sun…

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Leave No Trace

At a time when other regional burns struggle to find a venue, Firefly has been on the same site since 2009. One reason is that we as community are responsible guests, respect the landowners' property and take our trash with…

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