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Help make next year's Firefly even better: take the Official 2024 Firefly Survey by Wednesday, July 17! Take the Survey

Over the years, the Firefly Arts Collective (FAC) has been proud to provide grant support to Firefly artists to enable them to express and fulfill their varied creative visions. These grants are intended to support and promote radically-expressive, community-based, interactive and/or collaborative projects that help define and shape the creative core of the event.

Legacy Grants

The Legacy Grant is provided to support existing projects that have previously appeared at Firefly. Art can be exposed to many elements at Firefly — mud, rain, sun, and most of all, people — and this grant is designed to provide funding to help with wear-and-tear.

Grants are currently available at the following tiers:

  • $100
  • $300
  • $500
  • $599
  • $1,000

Please indicate which tier you are applying for in your grant application (you may apply for multiple tiers). We don’t award partial grants.

Before applying, please review the information on the Art Grants page for everything you need to know about the process.

Apply for a Legacy Grant

Summary of Deadlines

  • Mar 31, 2024: Legacy Grant applications open
  • Apr 28, 2024: Legacy Grant applications due
  • May 24, 2024: Legacy Grants awarded
  • TBA: Firefly Event
  • TBA: Grant Documentation Deadline

Review Process

For more information on how grants are awarded, see the Art Grants page.


Feel free to reach out to us at!

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