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Help make next year's Firefly even better: take the Official 2024 Firefly Survey by Wednesday, July 17! Take the Survey

ARTifacts are now INTENTIONS

ARTifacts are switching up for this year’s ticket registration!

It has been a pleasure to receive your imaginative and clever work in the past few years, however, Firefly is overwhelmed by the sheer number of items. With this in mind ARTifacts has changed – this year we want your INTENTION for Firefly. A few idea starters – What would you like to build, create or nurture in your life? How do you feel when you are your happiest self? What fears would you like to release? What are you grateful for?

Along with your waiver, please send us an Intention (words, drawings, cut outs, a found scribble) on a burnable no larger than 12” x 18” and less than 1/16″ thick. Every intention will be bound into a book which will be on view at Base Camp then burned in the bug. We ask that you use your common sense when it comes to materials and snark. If you want to remain anonymous please do not use your name. At the end of Firefly the only Trace left of these INTENTIONS will be what we manifest in our hearts and minds.

We know some participants may have already planned an ARTifact for this year.  You are welcome to send it in!  We will show it in some form.  For those who haven’t started, you can send in an intention instead.

Past ARTifacts will be available at the Open House on May 1st. Whatever is not claimed on this date will then be presented as “free” art for others to take and cherish at a future date. If you have any questions please email

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