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Help make next year's Firefly even better: take the Official 2024 Firefly Survey by Wednesday, July 17! Take the Survey

Meet Fireflies as part of the Sparkle Pony Express!

The Sparkle Pony Express is looking for volunteers to help deliver mail (and smiles) around Firefly!

This year, we’re looking for volunteer Postal Workers and Mail Delivery Creatures.

During a Postal Worker shift, you will hang out at the Post Office, located at Office Depot. You may end up…

  • Helping visitors address their mail
  • Restocking postcards and art supplies
  • Receiving and sorting mail
  • Passing out mail to Mail Delivery Creatures for delivery
  • Answering the Office Depot phone or fax machine

During a Mail Delivery Creature shift, you will walk around Firefly. You may end up…

  • Picking up sorted mail from the Post Office and doing your best to deliver it
  • Picking up incoming mail from any Post Office Outposts and bringing it to the Post Office to be sorted
  • Telling other Fireflies about the project and encouraging them to send mail

Don’t want to commit to a whole shift? We get it – we’re sparkle ponies You can always just stop in at the Post Office to see if there is any mail that needs to be delivered.

Sign up here to volunteer: Sparkle Pony Express Volunteer Sign Ups[1]

The Sparkle Pony Express Post Office is located at Office Depot in the Back 40 (across from Library Camp).



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