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Help make next year's Firefly even better: take the Official 2024 Firefly Survey by Wednesday, July 17! Take the Survey

2023 Kickoff: Get involved! Help Firefly happen!

Hi Fireflies –

Volunteer as a Core Lead and help make Firefly 2023 happen!

I’m very excited to be returning as Safety Lead for 2023 and am looking forward to another great Firefly! Please read on to find out how YOU can help make Firefly Safety happen this year.

Our current focus is recruiting leads for OOD, Radio, and Ranger Cores. We will be posting info about other volunteer opportunities (inc. Fire Safety, First Aid, and Sanctuary) in mid February.

TL;DRapply here or e-mail Oryx

Who are OOD, Radio, and Ranger Volunteers?

OODs are responsible for handling any emergencies that come up during Firefly. As OOD Lead, you’ll work closely with me to recruit, train, and support these volunteers at the event.

Radio volunteers are responsible for coordinating communications between event volunteers at Firefly. As Radio Lead, you’ll source and set up event radios, and you’ll help train volunteers on how to use them correctly.

Ranger volunteers are responsible for helping Fireflies with anything at the event that could use their help. As Ranger Lead, you’ll assemble and work with a leadership council to recruit, train, and support Ranger volunteers at the event. You’ll also be taking a very visible role in a chapter of the Black Rock Rangers, an international organization with a long and rich history, and will have the support of this community’s local leadership.

What does being a Core Lead mean?

Volunteering as a Core Lead means that you’re responsible for making that Core happen. That definitely doesn’t mean that you need to do everything yourself – your real function is to create awesome opportunities for people to volunteer with your Core, and that can start now!

If you’re looking for specifics on tasks involved in leading OOD, Radio, or Rangers, you can check out the Safety 2023 RACI chart.

Why should I volunteer to be a Core Lead?

If you’re considering volunteering for a Core Lead position, you probably already know that volunteering has many personal and professional benefits. As a Lead, you’ll get to create your vision of how volunteering with your group can be amazing, and you’ll get help from the rest of Firefly leadership to make it a reality.

More personally, love is a verb, and the heart of Firefly is the volunteers who run it. Taking on the responsibility of being a Core Lead is one of the most concrete and impactful ways that you can love Firefly, and in my opinion, one of the most beautiful experiences that you can have in life is to love something that loves you back. It is no stretch for me to say that being part of Firefly leadership has been one of the most significant and rewarding experiences of my life.

What’s the timeline for Safety 2023?

1/15 – 2/15: Core Lead recruiting

2/15 – 3/15: Core Leads recruit help

3/15 – 4/15: Cores recruit volunteers and develop training plans

4/15 – 5/15: Cores train volunteers

5/15 – 6/15: pre-event prep

How can I volunteer to be a Core Lead?

Please either fill out the volunteer application or e-mail me directly! I will do my best to reach out within a week of receiving your message. All applications received before February 1 will receive equal consideration.

My ideal candidate has some project management or leadership experience in addition to experience volunteering with the Core they’re interested in leading. If you’re interested in volunteering, but you don’t fit this description, please fill out the application anyway! I am passionate about getting more people involved in Firefly leadership and I will work with you to get the experience you need to fill the role in the future. Please don’t be shy!!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon in the woods 🙂



This announcement can also be found at

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