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Help make next year's Firefly even better: take the Official 2024 Firefly Survey by Wednesday, July 17! Take the Survey

We would like to invite Fireflies to take part in the important work of keeping our community safer by serving for a year-long term on the Conduct Committee.

Prospective Conduct Committee members will need to have taken the BARCC training on recognizing sexual assault, being an active bystander, and responding to disclosures of assault. Firefly will schedule and pay for the training. As the committee evolves there may be need for additional trainings or workshops that the committee may wish to offer.

Current conduct committee members will review applications, vet applicants by soliciting community feedback, and request approval by the Board of Directors before accepting new members.

Types of reports and complaints that are handled include: non-consensual dosing, threats of violence, sexual assault, physical assault, abuse of power, and unsafe behaviors at Firefly events that threaten event safety and continuity. We ask that applicants be able to dedicate five hours a week to Conduct Committee work and attend monthly meetings.

If you’re interested, you can learn more on the Conduct Committee page.

Please email us at to express your interest.

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