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Help make next year's Firefly even better: take the Official 2024 Firefly Survey by Wednesday, July 17! Take the Survey

Meat Space 9

Like the casbah to your Star Wars, our intergalactic MeatSpace station is a trading post oasis home away from home.

Warm yourself by our fire pit, with random acts of cooking and food sharing — yours or ours.

Ask about hosting your events here — DJ booth and MeatSpace for tea dances, movie screenings, or other off-world delights.

Seek discreet consultations, confidential conversation, and maybe more at Glory-Glory-Hole-lelujah. 😉

Barely automated rustic luxury gay space communism awaits!
At the crossroads between Pancakes and Lamps.

(* we space-pirated this image sans permission from Greg Broadmore )

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