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Help make next year's Firefly even better: take the Official 2024 Firefly Survey by Wednesday, July 17! Take the Survey
Line Item 2017 budget 2017 actual
Number of Participants 1030 1140
Ticket Price ($) 80 80
Parking Passes 450 560
Parking Pass Price ($) 30 30
Truck Passes 6 0
Truck Pass Price ($)  15 0
Bus one way sales 17 18
Bus one way price ($) 30 30
Bus round trip sales 84 92
Bus round trip price ($) 45 45
Truck Shares ($) 100 0
(a) Ticket Sales 82,400.00 92,365.87
parking passes 13,500.00 16,800.00
Amazon Smile 100.00 125.43
Interest 25.00 26.08
Donations 0 500.00
one way bus 510.00 540.00
Truck Shares 250.00 0
round trip bus 3,780.00 4,140.00
cash deposits 1,500.00 0
2. TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS 102,065.00 114,497.38
Wristbands 1,000.00 767.13
Art Grants 20,000.00 22,702.56
Ranger Expenses 500.00 1,178.34
Greeter Expenses 400.00 147.85
DPW Expenses 2,500.00 5,936.34
Placement 0 44.04
Excise Tax – Trailer 5.00 5.00
Bug Build 2,500.00 1,731.45
Event Insurance 2,750.00 2,423.00
D&O Insurance 744.00 744.00
T-Shirts 600.00 0
Event Land Rent 9,450.00 13,572.00
Land Maintenance 2,500.00 10,390.00
Fire and Safety Core 100.00 2,115.46
Work Weekends 500.00 2,591.14
Meetings/Admin 2,150.00 3,005.03
Kitchen/Caffeine Core 1,100.00 679.67
Signage Core 500.00 200.64
Sanctuary 100.00 64.19
First Aid Core 500.00 408.01
LNT Core 500.00 0
Parking Core 250.00 0
Polaris/equip Rental 3,000.00 2,644.01
Toilet Rental 2,500.00 3,114.85
Security Contractor 9,000.00 7,823.04
Bus Expenses 8,500.00 6,500.00
Off-site Parking Expenses 1,500.00 0
Donations to Others 0 1,500.00
Local Storage 750.00 0
Radios 250.00 1,763.27
Training and Conferences 1,000.00 421.98
Legal Fees 0 3,212.00
Sound Core 0 334.91
Survey 495.00 495.00
Bank Fees 0 239.34
Banners / Printing 0 670.03
Postage 0 134.00
Infrastructure 0 4565.54
4. TOTAL CASH PAID OUT 75,644.00 102,123.82
Income over Expenses 26,421.00 12,373.56
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